Ultra miniaturized technology
Digital optical holography

 We develop 
 innovative technology 

AKmira Optronica erhält 'Deutscher Excellenz-Preis 2024'

with the aim of miniaturizing a complete 3D color camera module to the fraction of a fingernail in order to support various markets (with a focus on medical technology). The hardware is reduced to the physical limit by using the most advanced opto-electronic elements, while at the same time the data algorithms use increasingly powerful processors and ASICS. Ultra miniaturization, very good performance data and cost-effective production are then no longer mutual exclusion criteria.

Above all, our vision is to open a new technological door, according to the motto:
"Jump and grow your wings" (Ray Bradbury).

Dr. Alexander Knüttel


AKmira optronics GmbH präsentiert

Ein neuartiger Scanner für die optische, berührungslose 3D Vermessung des Gehörgangs

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Gehörgangs-Scanner von AKmira Optronics

AKmira wird den 3D Gehörgangs-Scanner auf unserem Messe Stand LIVE vorführen. Kompakt und handgeführt wird der 3D-Scanner berührungslos und 3-dimensional den Gehörgang abtasten. Ziel ist es eine Otoplastik für ein Mini-Hörgerät (Hearables) erstellen zu lassen.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
Dr. Alexander Knüttel und Team

AKmira StartUp Story

Die IHK Potsdam unterstützt StartUps ins der Gründungs- und Wachstumsphase. In einer Serie stellt das FORUM solche Unternehmen vor: AKmira Optronics.

Our technology

Optical interference methods

AKmira optronics develops miniaturized 3D color camera modules which, together with rod optics, form rigid 3D endoscopes. The primary area of application will initially be medical technology. The integration of the ultra-miniaturized 3D camera modules in flexible endoscopes is planned as an extension. The possibility of integrating this technology into very small units such as mobile phones and 3D data glasses in the future will open up further markets for security technology and augmented reality. The underlying - in the non-academic environment - new technology is based on digital, optical holography and this is an extension of the well-known interference methods such as OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) or interference microscopy. AKmira has its own innovative approaches that fully utilize the potential of digital, optical holography. This technology is protected by 4 AKmira registered patents.

 Advantages of digital 
 optical holography 

Extremes Miniaturisierungspotenzial

Die Minimierung an Hardware und Nutzung modernster opto-elektronischer Komponenten bei gleichzeitig effizienterer Rechenleistung ermöglichen Leistungsmerkmale bis an physikalische Grenzen

Extremes Miniaturisierungspotenzial

Keine mechanische Refokussierung

Keine mechanische Refokussierung

Die Technologie erlaubt auf mechanisch bewegte Teile zu verzichten und auf verschiedene z-Distanzen mittels entsprechender Algorithmen zu fokussieren um ein 3D Farbbild zu ermitteln

Präzises optisches „stitching“

Präzises optisches „stitching“

Durch die Möglichkeit 3D Features in Einzelbildern mit µm-Genauigkeit zu erkennen können große 3D Szenen nahtlos aus Einzelbildern zusammengesetzt werden

z-Bestimmung unabhängig vom Abstand

Im Gegensatz zur 3D Stereo-Vision ist die z-Bestimmung unabhängig vom Abstand, da das Laufzeitverhalten der Lichtstrahlen mit µm-Genauigkeit genutzt wird und nicht die prinzipiell ungenauere Winkel-Disparität

z- Bestimmung unabhängig vom Abstand

Optional: Sub-Surface Messungen bis 3 mm

Durch den Einsatz von multiplen Laserwellenlängen im nahen Infrarot sind bis etwa 3 mm unterhalb der Gewebeoberfläche genaue Abstandsmessungen auf z.B. einen Knochen oder einer Zahnoberfläche möglich

Optional: Sub-Surface Messungen bis 3 mm

Lokales 3D Operations-Mikroskop

Lokales 3D Operations-Mikroskop

Die hohe laterale Auflösung der Einzelbilder unserer sehr kompakten und flexibel einsetzbaren 3D Kamera macht aus dieser ein lokales Operations-Mikroskop.

We are looking for strong business partnerships in strategic development and global sales.

Future areas of application

The image shows a futuristic representation of a brain operation with 2 doctors and is intended to show the area of ​​application in medical technology for the ultra-miniaturized 3D endoscopy camera technology from AKmira Optronics.

Medical technology

The initially targeted area of application will be rigid endoscopy for 3D applications. With further miniaturization, integration into the tip of a flexible endoscope will be possible. In addition AI-driven applications for "robot-assisted surgery" with mini endoscopes will be considered.

The image shows a futuristic fingerprint and is intended to show the area of ​​application in security technology for the ultra-miniaturized 3D endoscopy camera technology from AKmira Optronics.

Safety technology

As miniaturization progresses, integration into a mobile phone, for example, is possible. This means, that a 3D fingerprint can be recognized without contact and with protection against forgery, since the 3D micro-movement (“trembling”) can be evaluated simultaneously.

The image shows a medical employee wearing transparent augmented reality glasses and is intended to show the area of ​​application in augmented reality of the ultra miniaturized 3D endoscopy camera technology from AKmira Optronics.

Augmented reality

Integration into “Augmented Reality” glasses is also possible as miniaturization progresses. This allows certain things to be optically captured very sharply in 3D, indipendent of z-distance, and then presented to the viewer via corresponding glasses for 3D "overlay" visualization.

Golden Eye

The heart of 3D camera technology

Currently exists a 3D endoscope with a rigid endoscope tip diameter of 7 mm. The prototype of generation 1 (Gen. 1) 3D camera technology is integrated in the housing. Another generation (Gen. 2) will already be significantly more compact and the 3D camera technology will fit the size of a 1 cent coin.
From this generation on, the sub-surface option can be permanently integrated. In the ultimate expansion stage (Gen. 3), the 3D camera will encompass a fraction of a 1 cent coin or a fingernail as the "Golden Eye".


Generation 1 | prototype, presented at the Medica Düsseldorf 14.-17.11.2022


Generation 2 | compact opto-electronic camera-modul to integrate in an mini-endoscope


Generation 3 | Golden Eye becomes ultra small and integrable in multiple fields of application

Golden Eye

The heart of 3D camera technology

Currently exists a 3D endoscope with a rigid endoscope tip diameter of 7 mm. The prototype of generation 1 (Gen. 1) 3D camera technology is integrated in the housing. Another generation (Gen. 2) will already be significantly more compact and the 3D camera technology will fit the size of a 1 cent coin.
From this generation on, the sub-surface option can be permanently integrated. In the ultimate expansion stage (Gen. 3), the 3D camera will encompass a fraction of a 1 cent coin or a fingernail as the "Golden Eye".
The picture shows the camera model of the 3D Holography Golden Eye from AKmira Optronics in the first generation.


Generation 1 | prototype, presented at the Medica Düsseldorf 14.-17.11.2022

The graphic visualization shows the tiny size of the 3D Golden Eye camera generation 2 from AKmira Optronics in relation to a 1 cent coin.


Generation 2 | compact opto-electronic camera-modul to integrate in an mini-endoscope

The graphic shows the 3D visualization of the 3D holography of a human heart recorded with the 3rd generation Golden Eye camera technology from AKmira Optronics.


Generation 3 | Golden Eye becomes ultra small and integrable in multiple fields of application

Skin image from the back of a hand

Image from a fingerprint skin texture

Image of 2 lower front teeth and gum

Tissue thickness measurement through the gum (Sub-surface measurement at red dot)

Founder and CEO
Dr. Alexander Knüttel

The multiple founder Dr. Alexander Knüttel studied physics and spent several years as a postdoc at the National Institutes of Health in Washington D.C. / USA dedicated to optical imaging and spectroscopy. After working on a non-invasive optical diabetes sensor, he founded his first start-up in Mannheim/ Germany in 2000. The world's first optical 3D skin scanner, based on OCT technology, was developed at "ISIS optronics GmbH". Starting in 2006, based on this technology, wafer inspection devices were developed, produced and marketed in the "ISIS sentronics GmbH" (today "sentronics metrology GmbH"). After several years of experience in digital, optical holography, our own further developments have been the starting point for the start-up foundation "AKmira optronics GmbH" in Potsdam/ Germany since 2021. Meanwhile the founder is mostly first author in 27 patents, 4 of them are assigned to AKmira.

Dr. Alexander Knüttel - A physicist with an entrepreneurial gene.
Dr. Alexander Knüttel
A physicist with entrepreneurial spirit

Our team

Our interdisciplinary AKmira team consists of physicists, electrical and IT engineers specialized in optical holography, interference microscopy and fast data transmission.

 Jobs & Careers 

Would you like to turn your ideas into useful and meaningful technologies?
Would you like to make a difference and help develop a revolutionary “Made in Germany” technology, digital, optical holography?
Would you like to see how our products later reach the markets through our global medical technology partner?

We look forward to you.

Please send applications to:
info@AKmira-optronics.de | phone: +49 (0)331 982231-0

AKmira Optronica erhält 'Deutscher Excellenz-Preis 2024'


experienced professionals

 Inquiry & Contact 


Ultra miniaturisierte 3D Kamera für die medizinische 3D Endoskopie (Holo-Cam)

Förderkennzeichen: 13N16864

financial support

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Logo Ministerum für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Energie im Land Brandenburg.
Förderlogo Landeshauptstadt Potsdam.


Logo BWM - AKmira ist Bundes Wirtschafts Senat Mitglied
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Logo Industry Club Potsdam Christian Peter Wilhelm Beuth' e.V.
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Platz 1 für AKmira
beim Innovationspreis
Berlin Brandenburg 2024